Quick app

Want a Wordpress site? - Just click Menu > Quick app > Wordpress, specify a “Name” (ex. myblog), Laragon will:

  • Create correspond database: myblog
  • Download the latest version of Wordpress
  • Extract the code to C:\laragon\www\myblog
  • Generate correspond pretty URL:

Olala, you get what you want effortlessly in a few minutes!!!

“””WordPress is famous for its “5-minute quick install,” but using the Laragon’s “Quick app” feature you can do it in less than 2 minutes”””
Source: Best WAMP Server for Local WordPress – Laragon is Easy by David McCan

Some images:

  1. Quick app for a Laravel project from an online compress link (Laravel 7z):

  2. Laragon is downloading & extracting data…

Laragon can handle 7z, tar.gz, zip or composer. Believe or not, Laragon can create a Laravel project in LESS THAN A MINUTE. Just try it: Menu > Quick app > Laravel 7z

Laragon comes with some pre-defined projects. You can put another projects easily yourself. Just click Menu > Quick app > Configuration and edit the configuration file.

The file is: {LARAGON_ROOT}\usr\sites.conf

# Options

# Blank: an empty project

# WordPress

# Joomla

# Prestashop


# Drupal
Drupal 8=https://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-8.5.5.tar.gz
### Drupal 7=https://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-7.59.tar.gz


# Laravel

Laravel=composer create-project laravel/laravel %s --prefer-dist

Laravel 7z=https://github.com/leokhoa/quick-create-laravel/releases/download/5.6.21/laravel-

### Laravel dev-develop=composer create-project laravel/laravel %s dev-develop
### Laravel 4=composer create-project laravel/laravel %s 4.2 --prefer-dist
Lumen=composer create-project laravel/lumen %s --prefer-dist


# CakePHP
CakePHP=composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app %s

# Symfony
Symfony=composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition %s

#: Comment
—-: Menu Separator
AutoCreateDatabase: if true, Laragon will automatically create a database correspond to project name.
Cached: if true, compress files from remote servers will be stored in {LARAGON_ROOT}\tmp\cached, next time Laragon doesn’t need to download them.